Practical Phase-Transfer Catalysis

The Industrial
Catalysis Experts


This Phase-Transfer Catalysis course represents the highest return on investment of R&D resources because it shows your chemists and engineers how to NOW improve hundreds of common organic reactions that your company is performing RIGHT NOW in the lab and plant of all manufacturers of organic chemicals. This is just not a course about theory, this is a course that shows you how to NOW achieve low-cost high process performance and R&D efficiency, immediately.

Phase-Transfer Catalysis = Low-Cost High-Performance Green Chemistry
What more could you possibly want?
Your R&D department cannot function at its highest competitive level without this course.

Now contact Dr. Marc Halpern by E-mail or by phone at +1 856 222 1146 to bring this course in-house today!

Agenda Overview:

"Practical Phase-Transfer Catalysis" is a 2-day course which provides a structured approach and broad applications for developing high-performance and low-cost processes using phase-transfer catalysis. Practical guidelines focus on achieving high yield, high selectivity, short reaction time, avoiding isolation of intermediates, solvent-free PTC, replacing expensive hazardous strong base with inexpensive inorganic base, reducing excess reactants and enhancing safety & environmental performance.

          Day 1: The first day focuses on choosing reaction conditions and process parameters including catalyst structure, effective catalyst separation, anions & leaving groups, solvent, hydration and agitation. The underlying fundamentals are provided as the basis for resource-efficient screening (3-5 key experiments), development and optimization of PTC systems. Participants often express surprise and appreciation for the systematic guidelines for screening opportunities and selecting & optimizing reaction conditions. Exercises and group discussions reinforce the concepts and practical design of experimental programs.

          Day 2: On the second day of the course we review and critique > 200 reactions which cover a broad range of base-promoted reactions, substitution reactions, oxidations and reductions. Each application is provided with reaction conditions and yield. Critique of the patents and publications includes discussion of how the reported reaction conditions could have been improved based on the fundamentals and guidelines learned on Day 1 of the course.

Day 1

8:30 Registration

8:45 Introduction

Phase-Transfer Catalysis Overview
PTC Mechanism
          "I-Reaction" and "T-Reaction"
          The PTC Rate Matrix
Introduction to Understanding Interactions Between Catalyst, Hydration, Solvent and Anions

10:15 Break

10:30 Choosing Process Parameters

Choosing Catalyst
          Structure Activity Relationships
                    including systematic approach for predicting and selecting catalyst for reactivity
          effective catalyst separation methods
                    including minimizing residue and waste
          catalyst recycle
          catalyst stability

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Choosing Process Parameters - continued
          Anions, Leaving Group and Catalyst Poisoning
          Hydration (dramatic effects and control)
          Practical Aspects of Solvent
                    Solvent-Free PTC
          "Third Phase" PTC (not triphase PTC)

2:45 Break

3:00 Practical Guidelines
          Guidelines for Identifying, Evaluating and Optimizing New PTC Applications
         A 3-5 Experiment Program for Screening & Resource-Efficient R&D
          Patentable Opportunities
          Identifying Opportunities
                    The 60-Second PTC Test

4:00  Group Exercises

4:45  Break for Evening

Day 2

8:45 Applications - Strong Base Reactions

Chiral Alkylation

10:15 Break

10:30 Applications - Strong Base Reactions - continued

Michael Addition
Aldol Condensation
Wittig, Darzens
Other Condensations
Carbene Reactions

- Nucleophilic Substitutions

O-Acylation & Thiophosphorylation
Use of Water-Sensitive Reactants in PTC Substitutions

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Applications - Nucleophilic Substitutions - continued

Other nucleophilic aliphatic and aromatic substitutions

- Oxidation

          Hydrogen Peroxide
          Other oxidizing agents

2:30 Break

2:45 Applications - Reduction & Other

          Other reducing agents
Transition Metal Co-Catalysis
Additional PTC reactions and exercises

4:00 Course Conclusion


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Tel. (856) 222 1146 - PTC Communications, Inc

last modified 01-Dec-2013
© 2010-2013 PTC Communications, Inc